
Each product available for purchase on our website comes with the assurance of being covered by the manufacturer's warranty. As every manufacturer has their own warranty terms and conditions, the duration and scope of coverage may differ from product to product. You can view the product details page to learn more about the specific warranty terms and conditions for each product. This guarantee assures you of the quality of your purchase, and we encourage you to read the details of the warranty coverage provided by the manufacturer to fully understand your rights and benefits as a purchaser.

The following policy outlines our warranty terms and conditions for products sold on our website:

Warranty Coverage:

We offer a limited warranty on all products sold on our website. The length and scope of the warranty may vary depending on the product and will be outlined in the product description.

Warranty Exclusions:

Our warranty does not cover damages or defects caused by misuse, neglect, improper installation, or unauthorized modifications or repairs. It also does not cover normal wear and tear, cosmetic damage, or damage caused by accidents, natural disasters, or other events beyond our control.

Warranty Claims:

If you believe your product is covered under warranty, please contact our customer service team. We may require you to provide proof of purchase and other information to process your warranty claim.

Warranty Remedies:

If your product is covered under warranty and we determine that it is defective, we will either repair or replace the product, at our discretion.

Disclaimer of Other Warranties:

Except for the limited warranty provided above, we make no other warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.

Limitation of Liability:

Our liability for any damages arising out of your use or inability to use our products is limited to the purchase price of the product.

Changes to Warranties Policy:

We reserve the right to modify this warranties policy at any time without notice. Any changes to this policy will be effective immediately upon posting to our website.

By purchasing products from our website, you agree to the terms of our warranties policy. If you have any questions about our warranties policy, please contact us.