Irrometer 200SS-VA 1 Sensor Adapter with 0-3VDC Analog Output

Irrometer 200SS-VA 1 Sensor Adapter with 0-3VDC Analog Output
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The 200SS-VA adapter reads a WATERMARK 200SS soil water sensor and outputs the measurement as a 0 to 2.8V analog signal, making the WATERMARK sensor readable by a wide range of devices.

Calibration is handled internally, providing a voltage output directly proportional to the WATERMARK centibar (kPa) reading. Readings can optionally be temperature compensated with the addition of a 200TS Soil Temperature Sensor.

Fully potted and weatherproof, the 200SS-VA is rated for indoor or outdoor installation. 

After 500ms of applying power to the adapter, an accurate reading will be available and updated every second while powered. Standard range of measurement is 0 to 239 centibars/kPa represented as 0 to 2.8VDC output (0.0117 volts/centibar).

NOTE: The 200SS-VA adapter does not provide sensor isolation and is designed primarily for battery powered devices with no connection to earth ground. If multiple adapters are being read on the same device, power and ground must be switched independently for each adapter to avoid interference between sensors in the ground. For a multi-sensor alternative with a SDI-12 output, please see PN 200SS-SDI.


  • OUTPUT: Variable voltage from 0 to 2.8V
  • RESOLUTION: 0.01176 volts per centibar
  • WEIGHT: 0.175 lbs (79.4 g)
  • DIMENSIONS: 1.5" x 1.25" x 0.75" (38mm x 32 mm x 20mm)
  • CABLE: 18" (46cm), 3C direct burial output, two 18" (46cm) 2C sensor inputs
  • RANGE: 0 to 239 centibar (kPa)
  • MATERIAL: ABS box, epoxy potted PCB, PVC jacketed tinned copper wire


  • INPUT: min: 3.2VDC max: 30VDC
  • POW ER U P TIM E: 500ms
  • UPDATE RATE: 1 sec
  • CURREN T: 1.5 mA

Wire Connections:

  • To Device:
    • RED: Excitation Power (3.2 - 30VDC)
    • BLACK: Ground (-)
    • WHITE: Analog Signal (0 - 2.8VDC)
  • To Sensors:
    • GREEN Pair: to 200SS Sensor
    • RED Pair: to 200TS Temp Sensor
