- 1-2-3 Blocks (9)
- Bases and Stands (26)
- Blades (331)
- Bore Gages (388)
- Calipers (103)
- Combination Squares (19)
- Coring Bits (253)
- Cutting Wheels (17)
- Deburring Tools (5)
- Depth Gages (17)
- Displays and Probes (56)
- Drill and Wire Gages (7)
- Edge Finders (19)
- Height Gages (54)
- Horizontal Measurement and Calibration (8)
- Indicators (152)
- Inside and Outside Measurement (22)
- Levels and Protractors (42)
- Mag Base Tool Sets (18)
- Material Testing (12)
- Measuring Systems & Tool Presetters (7)
- Measuring Systems Parts & Accessories (25)
- Micrometers (124)
- Optical Measurement (94)
- Parallels (6)
- Parts & Accessories (6)
- Pneumatic Tools (222)
- Polishing & Grinding Wheels (161)
- Portable CMM (6)
- Punches (15)
- Radius Gages (4)
- Reference Masters (89)
- Rules (108)
- Screw Jacks (2)
- Screwdrivers/Tweezers (18)
- Scribers (8)
- Sine Bars and Angle Blocks (4)
- Squares (16)
- Straight Edges (2)
- Thickness and Center Gages (4)
- Thread Gages (11)
- V-Blocks (10)
- Vises (9)